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The gameplay was amazing man keep it up man. 10/10.

(2 edits) (+1)

Created an account just to comment on this because this game had a huge potential. Love the atmosphere. 10/10 just for the atmosphere alone, but the jumpscares REALLY dragged the game down and it become 4/10 instead. And it seems you're trying WAY too hard to scare the player with the jumpscares and how the alternates trying to physically invade the player's home.

If we look at the lore behind Mandela Catalogue, the alternates actually didn't goes on its way to physically harm its victim, it prefer to pressure its victim through psychological torture rather than physically.

So yeah, I think the problem lies in the idea rather than the execution. Because you clearly know what you're doing with the atmosphere, but you don't know how to scare the player effectively.

If I could give a suggestion, you should try to look at how Evan Royalty did his movies in YouTube. He know exactly how to build tension with the atmosphere alone and how he exploit those tension with the feeling of lurking terror in the background without having to rely on a cheap jumpscare, effectively creating a great horror material.


First of all, I have already created horror games, such as Don't Be Afraid and Don't Be Afraid The First Toy. Secondly - I know the Lore of The Mandela Catalogue and I am well aware that Alternates do not hurt people, but torture them psychologically. In the game, only one Alternate is killing us, because that was supposed to be the FNAF style of play. The rest of Alternates just appear on the screen (Intruder makes you fall asleep and kill yourself while you sleep). I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.


I've played your Backroom, and I definitely love it. That's why I said you're definitely know what you're doing. It's just the idea that is lacking. 

I think FNAF style like this could also work without jumpscare by utilizing tension alone. You're actually on the right track with what you're doing with the Gabriel in the attic, I don't really consider that as a jumpscare, haha. It's a shame that I can't say the same with the rest of the encounters. 

I'm really positive you can make something great. Really looking forward to your next stuff :)


You know, Mandela Invasion is my first point & click game and my first game in FNAF style. It was actually an experiment to see what I could accomplish and how the players would react. I wasn't very happy with the fact that my previous games had a lot of jumpscares. I wanted to scare players with atmosphere in those games, but unfortunately it wasn't up to me to add a lot of jumpscare. I try to learn something new with each new game and thanks to that my games evolve - they keep getting better. At least I think so, judging by the amount of positive reviews and YouTube videos.

Keep exploring, my man. You're onto something great here. Really looking forward to your next stuffs.


I loved The Update Bro!

pretty cool game man! keep it up!
Deleted 230 days ago

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.

Deleted 230 days ago

I beat it with the intruder ending the first try the second try I just did the Fake savior  ending

and got the Easter egg on second launch of the game

proof is in video: video should also be fully uploaded here in a bit too but by the time anyone sees this it should be done uploading

Hi there.

My friend asked me to play this game for my channel and I must say... It was not what I expected.

If anyone wants to check it. Here is the video.

I love the game
but after I played it one time it wouldn't load up
the same again

whenever I tried to open it it would just crash at the starting menu or a few seconds into the actual game

soo uhh Mr. dev if you have any way to fix it either myself or maybe a fixed release please tell me.

(1 edit)

This Game Was Scaryyyyy It Gave Me Mandela Catalogue Vibes, And FNAF Vibes, Really A Nice Game, 10/10 Would Recomend keep making these kinds of games I LOVE PLAYING THEM 

I had lots of fun figuring out how to beat the other entities! love the FNAF style of playing

Hi! Good job on the game! I've seen a few videos about it and many people seem to have trouble to remember there's an inventory. I would suggest a very simple tutorial. You give the player the flashlight right at the beginning but without batteries and force him to open the inventory ("Press TAB to open the inventory" and "Click on the flashlight to use it") but as they don't have batteries you can display a message saying something like "I need batteries to use it." so now the player nows how to use the flashlight and you can still put the batteries in the drawers. You don't lose any gameplay mechanics.


Yeah... Right now I'm not working on Mandela Invasion. But I'll remeber that when I will be working on Mandela Invasion 2 ;)

(1 edit)

Honestly, I don’t think a mechanic like this would help in a game that relies on speed to win. In order to secure all the windows, you have to really scramble for the flashlight and the basement to get the boards. Adding a mechanic where there are text prompts and additional steps (i.e. finding the batteries, getting a prompt to enter the inventory, add the batteries to the flashlight, etc.) *every time* you have to start over would likely cause more problems than it solves, and make the gameplay tedious.

That said, hotkey assignment is useful when an inventory isn’t intuitive or vital. So it may be more useful to simply present hot key reminders (like space bar for turning the flashlight both on and off) in future titles.




This game was a butt load of fun.

Scary Ass Game Mandela Catalogue, And FNAF vibes right here XD


2 spoopy 4 me


(1 edit) (+2)

Pros and cons are down below) Check out my video here if you are interested <3


1. That was very creepy! I loved that the game recreated the exact feeling the Mandela Catalogue evoked! Great job!

2. It was very interesting to figure out the mechanics. I appreciate that there was a tutorial but I also loved that you had to explore and try things to beat the game. I couldn't figure out what the cross was for thought XD

3. Different death screens are nice.


1. Well if you get to the point where you boarded up all the windows in time then there is just a dude in the vents and a dude in the garage for the whole game which makes it a bit boring. I would love to see more challenges appear the more the night progresses maybe.

2. There are bugs. In the video, the death ("win") screen would not show properly (but I played before and seen it before so it just got bugged this one time for some reason).

3. Poor optimization. My pc had more problems running the game than running rdr2 XD


I loved the game. I would rate it 8.2 alternates / 10 (5/5 for itch) and I can't wait to see more similar projects (if any are coming in the future). Great job!!!

Hope my feedback was useful!


Hi! Optimization... I don't know what's going on :P Every texture has very low resolution, models have lowest polygons count, sounds and musics are compressed. All of textures and sounds were compressed to have lower size and to be less stressing to PC. And there is also Occlusion Culling so only one room is rendering at time (others are unvisible). I did everything what I Can. I saw one person on Youtube who was having 15 FPS so I know that something is still wrong.

Currently I'm not working anymore on Mandela Invasion, because I want to make something new and better.

I will make more games so please, follow me and you will know about everything what's going to be released :)


I loved this and having never touched a FNAF game I'm a fan!

(1 edit) (+1)


First off, this game was awesome. Very fun yet, quite tricky. I didn't understand the queues at first, and still don't. No sense of direction but then again its inspired by the "Mandela Catalogue" In other words, you reaching your unforeseen demise is inevitable. 

- Pros: Very fun, and lives up to the Mandela Catalogue potential...somewhat. 

- Cons: "somewhat?" you may ask. 

So the jump scares are simple and not so in your face. More creepy and eases up to you with a spine chilling experience. WHICH IS FINE! 

What isn't fine, is the "build up" (or bug) to the "go to sleep, go to sleep" jump scare. Its not consistent. At some point your just starring at the VHS filter for 3 minutes and then it comes out. Sometimes its 30 seconds after the light go out.

SOMETIMES ITS JUST THE VHS FILTER AND NOTHING HAPPENS. Which takes away from the immersion and becomes a "Head Scratching ok" moment.


Overall, The game is fun. Would I play it again? ABSOLUTLY! Just fix the jump scare, give us a hiding mechanic, and perhaps just a sprinkle of direction.




no idea what i was doing but oh well great game [ maybe consider subscribing to my channel]

This game was a new one for me, i liked the horror with the silly scares.

Great job and keep it up

I'm trying to play this on my MacBook but it says it can't be opened? Does anyone know a way to open it? Thank you.

I think the problem is that I made Mac OS build on Windows. Here is an solution from the internet: 

I needed to make the actual executable in the .app folder, well, “executable”. Please try:

Open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/

This folder contains the actual executable file which Windows apparently didn’t make executable. Let’s add the executable flag:

chmod +x <APP_NAME>

Afterwards I could start the app.

Unfortunately, I never had a Mac OS and never used it so I don't know what else could be causing it.

what is the song in the main menu?

It's "The Stars And Stripes Forever" but I edited it in AudaCity

cool, thanks dev

Will you ever make it for mac

Mac version will be available today. I don't have Mac OS so I can't check if the game works on Mac.

Thank you so much keep up the good work.

How'd you get it to work on your Mac? Mine says can't be opened.

I think the problem is that I made Mac OS build on Windows. Here is an solution from the internet: 

I needed to make the actual executable in the .app folder, well, “executable”. Please try:

Open up a Terminal and navigate to your app folder:

cd <PATH_TO_YOUR_APP>/<APP_NAME>.app/Contents/MacOS/

This folder contains the actual executable file which Windows apparently didn’t make executable. Let’s add the executable flag:

chmod +x <APP_NAME>

Afterwards I could start the app.

Unfortunately, I never had a Mac OS and never used it so I don't know what else could be causing it.

there's a bug for some reason where at 1am when the electricity is cut, you can't turn your flashlight on or open your inventory or click anything. you're stuck in the dark until a face appears and then you lose. opened the padlock and barricaded 2 windows before the lights cut off and that happened

I think that may just be because you lost? Like the alternate already got in and you can't do anything, which leads to suspense for the jumpscare. When playing the first thing you have to do is find a flashlight (usually hidden in cupboards or your closet) then board all windows. Then, your power will not cut off and you won't have this bug! :)

i had the flashlight and other items, when the electricity cut i couldn't access my inventory or click anything anymore which then led to my death so it's definitely a bug :)

Oh! Ok, didn't know that. Hope it gets fixed soon then! :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Yo whaddup, I loved this game and I just wanted to give my thoughts on it.

The atmosphere was really good. I think it nails the vibe that the original Mandela Catalogue had and put it into game form accurately while also having its own charm. I enjoyed the audio cues and the mechanics and seeing as it was inspired by fnaf like you said I thought it was really unique and it worked for me

As many commenters have said it was the jumpscares that were very underwhelming. It is understandable to have them because you need a losing condition to have a game but I would like them to be more subtle. 

Along with that, I would like to actually see the alternates more. I liked the idea of the alternates hiding in the environment like the one in the bedroom, but I only saw it once in the entire game. It was very scary when I saw it but I wanted more of that to add to the sense of dread I had traversing throughout the house. Seeing them outside windows would also be a nice touch.

Sorry for the long comment, I just had a lot of thoughts. I'm very impressed by this game and excited to see more from you.

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.


I really want this game to be good because it reminds me of old horror flash games i used to play as a kid and it is, my only problem is the jumpscare, please make it scarier.

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.


Enjoyed the game! It reminds me of those flash games from back then like Addicting Games. Wish there was more to it! 

If you have a discord server please let me know so I can join it! :)

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Jumpscare really sucks, like, its what a 5 year old would find scary. The rest of the game is great though. I dont mean to be harsh about the jumpscare but I think if instead you had the face be one of an alternate, it would be more scary. rn its just kinda a goofy jumpscare that kinda takes the "Scare" out of the game. The sounds, atmosphere, and the style of gameplay is really nice however. Keep it up!

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.


well i didnt have to much time to play this game, but its the first one and was really fun, gave me a good scare too

Great game overall, but please add the option to remove the jump scare. You really have gotten all the atmospheres right until that jump scare ruins the whole vibe. Or at the very least put a lot more effort into the scare.

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.

I'll check out your older game then. Looking forward to your next game as well.


Неплохой VSH хоррор кликер


It was a really good game but everything went right until i beat it and then the whole thing broke after the jumpscare and i couldnt do anything the screen was completly blank except the filter that was on and the only thing i could do is exit to menu and restart to get the ending


yep same here! this happened to me when the lights went off, blank screen frozen with the filter, can't do anything


Really good game, I couldn't actually finish it in the end, but still a good time nice work

No Commentary 


This game is totally my favorite on itch. Even though it's inspired by FNAF and Mandela Catalogue, it still feels like its own stand alone game. Not to mention, I love the Mandela Catalogue so this is perfect! I saw your comment on a YouTube video saying you're going to add some mechanics/items to make the game harder and more complicated, which I love. The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is really fun and keeps you on your toes, and I'm eager to see how this game evolves! Keep up the great work :) 


This was cool! I got really into the discovery and how to survive the night. I just wish there was a LITTLE more to actually beating the game. Its very simple once you figure it out

Amazing game none the less, keep up the good work!

I love the mix between FNAF and Mandela Catalog! This was a really eerie experience and fit the analog horror genre FOR SURE! Keep up the great work my man!

   - CrazyCheesePuf


Played this game for an hour (only because I became very confused on how to beat the game). But even through the frustration, I've enjoyed the game. Thank you.

YOU'RE NOT SAFE IN THIS GAME! | Mandela Invasion (PC) | WoWz Playz

(1 edit) (+1)

Played this game on my Channel's Series called 3 SCARY GAMES! It's the 2nd game I play in the video and starts at 12:47, The Mandela Catalogue is a super intriguing idea, and playing a game to be immersed into that world is amazing!  

Being a FNAF style game is also a really cool idea that could be amazing if perfected. The actual atmosphere, visuals, and setting are well made! It's the actual Gameplay I feel fell a bit short atm. After experiencing a few of the deaths in the game, you learn what you need to do right away at the beginning of the night like Boarding up windows, getting materials for Electrical, etc. But after that, there is not much else.. It turns into just a bunch of waiting around if anything is ever going to happen. I feel like adding the mechanic of having to repair the windows alone would make it way more satisfying experience.

Overall tho I think this game could have amazing potential and grow as the Mandela Catalouge story grows and evolves with it!

am i the only one having this problem ?

Hi! I fixed it. Now you Can download Mandela Invasion from App.

thank you so much

(1 edit)

Great concept and mechanics.Once you find out what you’re doing,it does get a little boring but overall worth the play!

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