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I just recently learned about the Mandela Catalogue and games that are similar. I died rather quickly the first two times playing. It's got a creepy vibe but the voices could be better and the creature face is really bad. You guys should make the intruder face something less like a kid's cartoon monster and more like a dimly lit disfigured human face. I don't mean to complain, but it could be much better. ;)

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how to leave the bed


Game starts at 17:00 veryyyy spooky scary game shit had me like oohhhhhhhhhh noooooooo but facts this game is litt highly recommend playing or watching if interested :)

Good game, but prefer teh serie

ive had a question about smthn for a while here actually. whats up with the guy behind the wardrobe? is it just like. if you go back into the bedroom you die? or is that the vent guy just showing up in a random location?


the monsters will appear out of nowhere and prod you with a mettallic object, if you hear something you are dead, you cannot avoid the sguaping and so i will not consider to pay for this product,

unfun experience


dawno się tak nie bałem i naprawdę jak zgasło światło to pspanikowałem, zrób straszniejszego i głośniejszego jumpscare'a, bo ten nie jest straszny, naprawde straszna atmosfera

this game gives me no time to relax and i love it haha


The atmosphere was so tense. I really enjoyed playing this, but what was that jumpscare lol? Other than that, a really fun and tense game.

Hi guys! so I'm missing a .dll file called: UnityPlayer.dll. Do ya'll know how to fix it?

I really enjoyed this game! The jump scare at the end got me good 🥲


I cant figure out how to open the app on mac. Anyone know?


Hello! I've recently found a job and have been focusing on it for a while, causing work on my projects to be put on hold. I would really like to come back and create more horror games. Currently, I can only work on my projects on weekends. I started Patreon ( because it's a chance to get in closer contact with the community, as well as additional financial help. If you are interested in my productions and want MORE, please feel free to contact me :)

Thanks to everyone for playing in my games and for all of the positive comments!

Imma be honest since I am not a PC gamer I just watch videos of people playing it and I want this game to be on mobile.if the devs ever see this I want to see a mobile port out of this

really cool idea for a game it's extremely creepy and the gameplay is good, but it is pretty difficult though.

(2 edits) (+3)

awesome game man! only thing i would change is to remove the jumpscare when you die, it would be way creepier if it was just a black screen with the character screaming than to have a bad jumpscare..also you should add something with the tv, maybe have the tv alternate appear in it and you have to turn it off b4 he kills u

how do i survive the preacher?

Stick around the bathroom, you'll hear some walking noises before the vent (in the top left) starts to open. Click on it to close it.

(1 edit)

very very good game im happy that you will made a second game

Was really cool, I liked that there's different ways to die!

i gave it a go and man did i do a bad job lol. however good game and i will definitely check it out again sometime!

(1 edit) (+1)

Nice game! It's kinda confusing playing it at first, but after a while, you get the hang of it pretty quickly!

Loved it! Took me a while to figure out all endings, but it was a cool experience xD

im in mac and it says that i dont have permission to open it :(

when I arrive at 7am the TV alternate kills me and the background screen remains and that's it

Ícono de validado por la comunidad


Let's go friends
(1 edit)

Great game! Loved the atmosphere and the endings were very creepy. 

does anyone know the jazz music at the start menu of the game?

The stars and stripes forever - John Philip Sousa


I beat the game with blocking all windows with planks and just staying in the garage and closing it. Is it a glitch bc the other monsters didn't came to the garage to kill me?

(1 edit)

Amazing game, is there a way to survive? I always die when clock gets to 8 am, or is it the default ending?

No, this is the ending, you can't survive

I see, thank you for replying so fast! What about the crucifix? I couldn't find a way to use it somewhere

It should protect you from Archangel at a specific time

Was really well done and it was super creepy to experience! The game was simple enough to understand but still very challenging, and the atmosphere, with all the sounds was just fantastic!

Awesome game

It was a bit confusing at first but, when you get the hang of it, it's very straightforward and fun!

Loved the ambience and the several endings on it! 

[And it sure is true that you are NEVER safe while playing this game, huh?]

i cant do anything

yo can anyone help me lol, i know im missing something!!

When you hear a sound in the vent, you need to go very fast to the bathroom and close the vent when it's opening. This Alternate appears when you don't close the vent. And don't worry - you have some time to close the garage doors before other Alternates will come.

ahhhh ok, i was wondering why the monster popped out the toilet haha. thanks for that 

is there any reason to hide your flashlight?

Yo, I recently played this in my 3 Spooky Games vid and apart from the first game, I actually enjoyed this one! The one thing I didn't enjoy is how difficult it was and how confusing it was. It's basically like FNAF where you need to understand how they attack and the cues... but I understood none of that. But still, pretty good game! Good enough that I spent quite some time on it!

(The second game I play)

Quick questions. How many ways can I die/get jumpscared?

There are 4 jumpscares + one jumpscare in the Attic. Every jumpscare leads to your death. So you can die in 5 ways.

Right. Do the vent and garage door give you two different jumpscares?

(1 edit)

Don't answer the door.

Check it out and subscribe!

Sequel is in development!

you know what's epic? The creator OF the Mandella Catalouge actually Played this game!

Hi! Yes, I know :) Sequel is in development!

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