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It was a really good simple point-and-click. Very well done. I hope I didn't missed anything about the TV ending.

Thanks! Sequel is in development!


Excelente juego de terror en semi aventura gráfica de point&click. Los gráficos de vhs de los 80's se logra de manera espectacular. Ojalá tengamos más juegos así próximamente!

Thanks! Sequel is in development!


Cool game!!

Thanks! Sequel is in development!


i gave it another go and got one of the ending, but what im i suppose to do with the heart and the cable we find. my playthrough of the first ending i got

You Can use cable to repair Electric Box while there is no power. You Can use Heart somewhere in the house - you will get another ending with it.

i tried using the heart on the painting but its a dead end, maybe give me a small hint of where the heart goes?

Yeah, you will be killed after smearing blood from Lamb's heart on painting.

yea i tried it multiple time in different time windows thinking i would do someting but it doesnt haha

wake up wake up wake up wake up i know all about what makes you human wake up wake up wake up wake up i know all about what makes you human

Ok so i have a question,

is Gabriel jumpscaring you in the menu screen a glitch or just for random purposes? Idk it's so funny and terrifying to me omg 💀

Btw nice game, really enjoyable 😍😍

This is easter egg - Gabriel appears only when the cursor is over the title of a game. Thanks :)

i knew it was an easter egg omg also yw !!


this was a really fun click and horror game, what happened when the lambs heart was smeared into the photo, i lost, was is suppose to smear the blood? 


Loved this the game was scary and on point only if i could beat it the game kept me on edge the entire game love it when people make games like this 


this game is so close to being amazing but because of a few small things its not as good as it could be but overall its pretty decent besides some small stuff the atmosphere is good and the mechanics are nice they just aren't as fleshed out as they could be if you want to see my full playthrough of this here it is

if you checked it out i appreciate you and i hope you have a good day regardless


Has a lot of potential, needs some more abrupt jumpscares in my opinion though.


high key creepy as hell lmao had fun! thank you sir dev


The Mandela Catalogue is such a cool idea, you took it and make it into such a terrifying game. Huge fan of it and how it capitalizes on the video series.

I just couldn't handle the creep
(1 edit) (+1) great game hard to understand to begin with. But soon had an idea of what I needed to do. I will definitely be giving this game another try 😁


Broken Arrow Games, I found the game idea very good and very interesting, I wanted to know two things about the game, the first thing is if there will be a mobile version for the game in the Google Play Store, the second thing is if the game will also have on steam.


Hi! I will think about mobile version but not now. Maybe in future I will try to do it. I don't have Steam publisher account right now, but when I do, the Mandela Invasion will appear on Steam, of course it will be Free to Play (I will then add achievements and maybe something else for the Steam version).


I understand so ok, thanks for your answer and good luck in your projects.

(1 edit) (+1)

now while i absolutley LOVE this game, i have 2 issues , first there is one eney at the garage one at the vent but some third one that randomly appears and i have no idea how to stop it , second i dont get why a point and click game is using 8 gb of vram and over 80% of a 3060

I don't know which enemy you are talking about. The enemy from vent comes out of the toilet when you enter the bathroom after the vent opens and you do not close it. The same enemy will appear randomly in the house if you do not close the ventilation. There is also a painting in the attic - if you don't collect the cross lying next to it, the angel in the painting will kill you later in the game. This is Point & Click game, but the environment is in 3D. Only lamb and enemies are 2D objects. 

ah i see thank you i didnt know about the painting, and my performace issues came from my drivers being outdated


Hey, That's pretty good! Even though there are still bugs in it :)


Great atmosphere! I am not sure I understood the game but I am watching the youtube channel right now!


Credits and much love to you, developer! Thank you for the AWESOME game. I can't wait for the next one. I get to play this in the Philippines! 

Creepy stuff. Would like to see more of that!


The game was pretty fun but I feel like it could be a bit more challenging maybe I got lucky on my playthrough but nothing happened after I finished putting planks on the window and fixing the light overall games atmosphere was pretty fun kept you on edge for a bit but the lack of actual danger took away any suspense built up.


Great game! Am a huge FNAF fan so if you like that series you'll likely enjoy this as well.  Honestly even if you just enjoy the analogue horror craze going on right now or point and click games this is a gem.


hey there :) love the game. was wondering what the menu song is! i love old music like that and i would love to know what that song is :D


oops i just saw someone already asked and then ur reply. thanks boss love ur stuff keep up the good work chief o7


The gameplay was amazing man keep it up man. 10/10.

(2 edits) (+1)

Created an account just to comment on this because this game had a huge potential. Love the atmosphere. 10/10 just for the atmosphere alone, but the jumpscares REALLY dragged the game down and it become 4/10 instead. And it seems you're trying WAY too hard to scare the player with the jumpscares and how the alternates trying to physically invade the player's home.

If we look at the lore behind Mandela Catalogue, the alternates actually didn't goes on its way to physically harm its victim, it prefer to pressure its victim through psychological torture rather than physically.

So yeah, I think the problem lies in the idea rather than the execution. Because you clearly know what you're doing with the atmosphere, but you don't know how to scare the player effectively.

If I could give a suggestion, you should try to look at how Evan Royalty did his movies in YouTube. He know exactly how to build tension with the atmosphere alone and how he exploit those tension with the feeling of lurking terror in the background without having to rely on a cheap jumpscare, effectively creating a great horror material.


First of all, I have already created horror games, such as Don't Be Afraid and Don't Be Afraid The First Toy. Secondly - I know the Lore of The Mandela Catalogue and I am well aware that Alternates do not hurt people, but torture them psychologically. In the game, only one Alternate is killing us, because that was supposed to be the FNAF style of play. The rest of Alternates just appear on the screen (Intruder makes you fall asleep and kill yourself while you sleep). I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.


I've played your Backroom, and I definitely love it. That's why I said you're definitely know what you're doing. It's just the idea that is lacking. 

I think FNAF style like this could also work without jumpscare by utilizing tension alone. You're actually on the right track with what you're doing with the Gabriel in the attic, I don't really consider that as a jumpscare, haha. It's a shame that I can't say the same with the rest of the encounters. 

I'm really positive you can make something great. Really looking forward to your next stuff :)


You know, Mandela Invasion is my first point & click game and my first game in FNAF style. It was actually an experiment to see what I could accomplish and how the players would react. I wasn't very happy with the fact that my previous games had a lot of jumpscares. I wanted to scare players with atmosphere in those games, but unfortunately it wasn't up to me to add a lot of jumpscare. I try to learn something new with each new game and thanks to that my games evolve - they keep getting better. At least I think so, judging by the amount of positive reviews and YouTube videos.

Keep exploring, my man. You're onto something great here. Really looking forward to your next stuffs.


I loved The Update Bro!

pretty cool game man! keep it up!
Deleted 178 days ago

I don't like cheap jumpscare and wanted to avoid it, but in this case I had no choice (because of FNAF style gameplay). The more so that the game was created in a short time (2 months) and I wanted to make it before The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 appeared. You can check my Backrooms game prototype called "Here in the Backrooms" (it's available for free on, you Can find it on my profile), which does not have any Jumpscares, but I can see it on YouTube gameplays that people are afraid of the monster there only because they hear its footsteps. The presence of the monster and the ubiquitous silence cause anxiety. I am currently working on a game based on my Backrooms prototype, which will have its own story, characters and opponents. There will be no jumpscares there (if jumpscares will appear, they will appear in unexpected moments) and, like in Mandela Invasion and my Backrooms prototype, the atmosphere will be the most important. In the future, I will also create a second part of Mandela Invasion, in which I want to focus on ensuring that Alternates do not kill the player. It will probably be based on The Mandela Catalog Vol 2 (as a member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society we will be checking if Alternate has appeared at the home of the reporting person). I will focus more on the atmosphere there and there will probably be something like "Sanity Level". It will be Point & Click again, but without the FNAF gameplay style.

Deleted 178 days ago

I beat it with the intruder ending the first try the second try I just did the Fake savior  ending

and got the Easter egg on second launch of the game

proof is in video: video should also be fully uploaded here in a bit too but by the time anyone sees this it should be done uploading

Hi there.

My friend asked me to play this game for my channel and I must say... It was not what I expected.

If anyone wants to check it. Here is the video.

I love the game
but after I played it one time it wouldn't load up
the same again

whenever I tried to open it it would just crash at the starting menu or a few seconds into the actual game

soo uhh Mr. dev if you have any way to fix it either myself or maybe a fixed release please tell me.

(1 edit)

This Game Was Scaryyyyy It Gave Me Mandela Catalogue Vibes, And FNAF Vibes, Really A Nice Game, 10/10 Would Recomend keep making these kinds of games I LOVE PLAYING THEM 

I had lots of fun figuring out how to beat the other entities! love the FNAF style of playing

Hi! Good job on the game! I've seen a few videos about it and many people seem to have trouble to remember there's an inventory. I would suggest a very simple tutorial. You give the player the flashlight right at the beginning but without batteries and force him to open the inventory ("Press TAB to open the inventory" and "Click on the flashlight to use it") but as they don't have batteries you can display a message saying something like "I need batteries to use it." so now the player nows how to use the flashlight and you can still put the batteries in the drawers. You don't lose any gameplay mechanics.


Yeah... Right now I'm not working on Mandela Invasion. But I'll remeber that when I will be working on Mandela Invasion 2 ;)

(1 edit)

Honestly, I don’t think a mechanic like this would help in a game that relies on speed to win. In order to secure all the windows, you have to really scramble for the flashlight and the basement to get the boards. Adding a mechanic where there are text prompts and additional steps (i.e. finding the batteries, getting a prompt to enter the inventory, add the batteries to the flashlight, etc.) *every time* you have to start over would likely cause more problems than it solves, and make the gameplay tedious.

That said, hotkey assignment is useful when an inventory isn’t intuitive or vital. So it may be more useful to simply present hot key reminders (like space bar for turning the flashlight both on and off) in future titles.




This game was a butt load of fun.

Scary Ass Game Mandela Catalogue, And FNAF vibes right here XD


2 spoopy 4 me


(1 edit) (+2)

Pros and cons are down below) Check out my video here if you are interested <3


1. That was very creepy! I loved that the game recreated the exact feeling the Mandela Catalogue evoked! Great job!

2. It was very interesting to figure out the mechanics. I appreciate that there was a tutorial but I also loved that you had to explore and try things to beat the game. I couldn't figure out what the cross was for thought XD

3. Different death screens are nice.


1. Well if you get to the point where you boarded up all the windows in time then there is just a dude in the vents and a dude in the garage for the whole game which makes it a bit boring. I would love to see more challenges appear the more the night progresses maybe.

2. There are bugs. In the video, the death ("win") screen would not show properly (but I played before and seen it before so it just got bugged this one time for some reason).

3. Poor optimization. My pc had more problems running the game than running rdr2 XD


I loved the game. I would rate it 8.2 alternates / 10 (5/5 for itch) and I can't wait to see more similar projects (if any are coming in the future). Great job!!!

Hope my feedback was useful!


Hi! Optimization... I don't know what's going on :P Every texture has very low resolution, models have lowest polygons count, sounds and musics are compressed. All of textures and sounds were compressed to have lower size and to be less stressing to PC. And there is also Occlusion Culling so only one room is rendering at time (others are unvisible). I did everything what I Can. I saw one person on Youtube who was having 15 FPS so I know that something is still wrong.

Currently I'm not working anymore on Mandela Invasion, because I want to make something new and better.

I will make more games so please, follow me and you will know about everything what's going to be released :)


I loved this and having never touched a FNAF game I'm a fan!

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